This is a fantastic article. Thank you. Stoicism never fails to give my conscience a good kick! I've done more than my share of boat ducking, but mainly in team sports, nothing anywhere near as important as military selection. As you say, how to face the big things if I duck the little ones? I think Christ says something similar about trustworthiness.
We are cut from the same bolt.
We do battle in different realms.
I'm a psychoanalytic seal.
I never duck boat
when treating the malignant mind.
I just checked out your work and you are most certainly doing battle in the mind.
What I love about it is that there is only one type of human mind, but many ways to explore this beautiful thing.
And never ducking boat is the crux of the matter.
This is a fantastic article. Thank you. Stoicism never fails to give my conscience a good kick! I've done more than my share of boat ducking, but mainly in team sports, nothing anywhere near as important as military selection. As you say, how to face the big things if I duck the little ones? I think Christ says something similar about trustworthiness.
Great piece of writing.
Well said Greg, thank you.