“I do not know what the world will look like in another twenty thousand years, but it is legitimate, I think, to make a prophesy in two parts: for as long as we remain human, dogs will remain by our side, and for as long as dogs remain by our side, we will remain human.”

💯 Sam. 💯

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I know you get it, Dee. They are a treasure.

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I can’t believe that the Universe presented this essay this morning. After 2 weeks absence because of my farmer friend vacation, I will see Max (golden lab). Max will escort me (his uncle) from my car, sit at his spot next to my plot and await his 2 treats. They will disappear in a second. Thank you Sam for the treat!

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This is a glad reunion! You are welcome!

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Update: today I saw Max and he remembered everything. Why was I surprised! My friend is sure that Max trained me.

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All is well in the universe. Thanks for sharing, Barry, this is great.

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Dogs are angels with fur. Anyone who doesn't love them can never understand love.

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I could not agree more. They are the essence of love.

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I can’t read dog books. I can’t watch ‘Where the Red Fern Grows’ or ‘Old Yeller’ nor anything remotely implying a Doggo living, loving, sacrificing, suffering or passing…

I’m such a sucker I got one page into ‘Racing in the Rain…’ haven’t opened it since…

In fact I cannot write another line… but thank you for this.

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You are very welcome. And I feel your pain - no matter how much the ancient Stoics would visualize negative outcomes, I refuse to do so for Carson or any other mutt on earth.

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I’m a child and student of the sentimental bittersweet.

Where regards these friends of ours I have no doubt in my soul, spirit or mind that they are safe with regard to the eternal…

They to me are our betters, and are here to give us our better selves.

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Eccellent! I too , am a Dogo- phile to the bone! Many days my faithful hound is the ONLY company I keep, and I wonder how many folks have heard our conversations while thinking: "Man that guy is really out there!

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I wonder that myself when people overhear my intense conversations with Carson, and then me replying for Carson as well. It is worth it...

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Being right here... in the present. What better message to have from the being that looks at you as if the sun rises and sets with you. I feel the same way.

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It is the best. I would not trade it for anything. Thank you!

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Perfectly distilled. Thank you - I needed to read that!

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You are most welcome, Jennifer. Thank you for reading.

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It's impossible to figure out which came first, men figuring out that if you followed the wolves, they would find prey you could kill, or wolves figuring out that if you shadowed the hunters, you could startle prey they could kill, and you could eat after they butchered it.

But since dogs are found only after fully modern humans, who could speak and so distribute work, I suspect a crucial point was when the hunters interpreted the wolves hanging about after they had startled the deer as asking for their share of the kill.

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It must have been a sight to see, as they both tried to figured each other out.

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We don’t deserve dogs! Carson looks like one of my dogs, a heeler hound mix. We’ve got a pack of 4 dogs here haha.

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They are the absolute purest things on earth. 4 pups is epic!

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Dogs are true philosophers, even Socrates said so 🙂

From Plato’s Republic:

Socrates: Your dog is a true philosopher.

Glaucon: Why?

Socrates: Why, because he distinguishes the face of a friend and of an enemy only by the criterion of knowing and not knowing. And must not an animal be a lover of learning who determines what he likes and dislikes by the test of knowledge and ignorance?

Glaucon: Most assuredly.

Socrates: And is not the love of learning the love of wisdom, which is philosophy?

Glaucon: They are the same.

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I could not agree more. Thank you for the comment, Allan.

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Whenever I feel like the world is going crazy I just have to look over at Peanut and realize she’s got her priorities and mental centering right.

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They are a blessing. I appreciate the comment, Michael, and godspeed with Peanut.

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Wonderful reminder. When I watch my pup in the world it grounds me. As far as domestication goes, I'd wager it started with a few puppies and not an adult.

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Puppies would be fitting. I wish I could have been there in the beginning, but I would not trade Carson for anything. Thanks for jumping in.

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Gold once again, Brother. Thank you. Be well.

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You are most welcome. Thank you as always for reading.

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It was the fire that really sealed the deal

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Interesting. Are you saying fire had a hand in us befriending the wolf?

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Wolves and dogs can feed themselves but they can’t make fire, watch a dog lay down near a fireplace and remember how cold the environment can be when all you have between you and the cold is your fur and maybe a mate to curl up with.

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I like this thought.

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Spot on with looking into their eyes… Great essay, Sam.

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Thank you, Jesse. They are a gift.

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That last line...wow. I'm still in tears. The best part of me is all the dogs I've had over the years and especially the current two black labs that are "the goodest girls". They keep me sane and smiling even when I feel I'd rather not be. Thank you for reminding us of the amazing bond we have with our canine counterparts. It's a gift to be sure.

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You are very welcome - our pooches are the ultimate reset. Thank you for reading.

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